Go to Movement Mechanics
Movement Mechanics
The mechanics of human movement: how and why we study it.
Note from the editor

The mechanics of human movement: how and why we study it. We are a group of biomedical engineers, movement scientists and healthcare professionals working in the area of human movement disorders and rehabilitation, trying to make our research more accessible to the public. Get in touch if you have any questions or comments!

Go to the profile of Ed Chadwick
Ed Chadwick
Biomechanist and biomedical engineer: modelling, assistive technology and rehabilitation; amateur photographer; bicycle enthusiast; European.
Go to the profile of Dimitra Blana
Dimitra Blana
I am a biomedical engineer, and I develop computer models to help understand and treat movement impairment. I am Greek, living in the UK.
Go to the profile of Caroline Stewart
Caroline Stewart
Clinical engineer at ORLAU at RJAH Hospital. Research fellow at Keele University. Interested in gait, biomechanics, archaeology and wild swimming
Go to the profile of Fraser Philp
Fraser Philp
Clinical Physiotherapist and Lecturer in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Science
Go to the profile of Rosti Readioff
Rosti Readioff
I am a chartered engineer, interested in applying engineering methods to solve health related problems. I am currently a research fellow @ University of Leeds.