Deborah Hay

the prepared body

Movement Research
Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2016


April 25–26 & 28–29

MON TUE THU FRI 10am-2pm

Abrons Arts Center, Studio G05
466 Grand Street (enter at Willett Street)

Register here:—winter-spring-2016

The body is capable of so much more than what it can do. For example, sound coming from the piano was more or less constant until John Cage created the prepared piano by introducing different objects into its’ body. These components altered the piano’s harmonics. Similarly, questions will be applied to our bodies to alter the harmonics of movement through choreography.

Hay dances, coaches, directs, and writes. Figure a Sea, a work for the Cullberg Ballet, with original music by Laurie Anderson, will be performed October 2016 at Montclair State University. Her 4th book, Using the Sky, and film, Turn Your F*^king Head, about Hay’s final Solo Performance Commissioning Project, are available from Routledge Books.



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