Movement Research at the Judson Church —May 1, 2017

Movement Research
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2017

Kim Brandt**, Lisa Parra, Kate Watson-Wallace**, Renegade Performance Group/André M. Zachery*

Video of Kim Brandt’s Untitled unavailable at this time.


By: Kim Brandt**
Performed by: Anna Adams Stark, Liz Charky, Meg Clixby, Jessica Cook, Courtney Cooke, Leslie Cuyjet, Greer Dworman, Ayano Elson, Devynn Emory, Kyli Kleven, Kay Ottinger, Angie Pittman, Nora Stephens, Mariana Valencia, Emily Wexler and Tara Willis

Sabor a mi…

Performed by: Lisa Parra
Sound: Roseli Rocha, aka Black Lotus (streaming live from Los Angeles, CA)
Dramaturgy: Daniel Pinheiro

new work in progress (part of a collaboration with Veronica Casado Hernandez)

Directed by: Kate Watson-Wallace**
Choreography by: Kate in collaboration with the performers
Performed by: Ann-Marie Gover and devynn emory
Music: Actress, Gazelle Twin, xxyyxx, Ryoji Ikeda, Midnight Magic, Teams Vs. Star Slinger, Tobtok
Music Mixed by: Scott Bernard

Untamed Space: the Upper Room

Company: Renegade Performance Group
Choreography: André M. Zachery*
Performers: Nehemoyia Young, Sarah Chien, Takeshi Ohashi
Music: Black Ace, Mahalia Jackson, Casmere
Arranged/Remixed by: Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste

*2015 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence
**2016 Movement Research Artist-in-Residence

Videographer: Quentin Burley



Movement Research

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