Ten Exercises To Squeeze In Before Running Out The Door

The Movement


Ferris Bueller said it best, “life moves pretty fast,” and while we would love to be able to slow down and be present for all of it, the truth is, sometimes you have to hustle. There’s a finite amount of time between your alarm going off, and when you need to be ready to conquer the day, and we know it may not always leave room for a proper workout. Still, there are ways that you can work in a workout, or at least sneak in some exercise, to boost your first-thing routine. In fact, these ten moves all mix well with morning activities, so you can stay fit while staying on schedule.

#1 — Chest Openers

As soon as your feet hit the floor, you can greet the new day by standing tall in a chest opening stretch. Simply clasp your hands behind your head, take a deep breath, and lift your chest as you pull your elbows back. This motion will gently press your hands to the back of your head. Repeat several times as you feel oxygen coursing through your body; savor this moment of calm, using it to set your intentions for the day.

#2 — Lunges

Take the long way down your hallway, and lunge it! We suggest this move on your return from the bathroom — simply perform standard lunges, walking lunges, side lunges, or your favorite variety to take you to your next destination. A few reps of 8–10 lunges per side is a good way to get started.

#3 — Wall Sit and Hold

If you’re like us, you’re probably on your phone pretty soon after waking up. Make the most out of checking those emails, and scroll through your phone while doing a few wall sit and hold moves. Simple lean against a wall, lower yourself to a sitting position, and hold for 10–15 seconds, or longer if you can. Then rise, and repeat as many times as it takes to organize your inbox.

#4 and #5 — Jumping Jacks and Burpees

Before jumping into the shower, kick-off the morning with some cardio! Jumping Jacks and burpees are great total-body moves you can do in your bedroom, as they get blood pumping from your tippy toes to your fingertips. Both are great to do just before your shower, too, in case you work up a sweat. Start with three reps of 10–15, increasing the amount as you include these in your morning ritual. Then? Shower down.

#6 — Arm Circles

What to wear, what to wear? While you figure that out, bust out some arm circles. Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. With palms facing down, rotate, making small circles in the air. Keep it up until your pick your perfect look for the day.

#7 — Squats

While the coffee brews, the kettle boils, or the blender whips up your green smoothie, take a minute to drop into a squat. With your feet firmly on the ground, and your eye on your beverage, perform a two or three reps of traditional or jump squats and turn your “waiting time” in bodyweight-workout time.

#8 — Countertop Pushups

Got a few minutes while waiting on your oatmeal? Countertop pushups are a great way to give your arms, chest, and shoulders a little exercise without cutting into your routine. Since you’ll remain standing, these are a good move to do after getting dressed — no floor, no messy clothes!

#9 — Calf Raises

As you sip your smoothie, coffee, or tea, why not make your legs work for it? Calf raises are a great, simple move you can do while you’re doing almost anything else. Stand near a counter or wall (for balance), and lift your body onto your toes, stretching as high as you can, before settling back down on your heels. Repeat as you sip.

#10 — Ab Flexes

Okay, you’ve showered, dressed, breakfasted, and are otherwise ready to go on with your day, but your morning routine isn’t complete without one, well, maybe two more things: brushing your teeth AND working your abs. Abdominal muscle flexes are one of the most inconspicuous moves there is — you can do it just about anytime, anywhere, and no one will notice. You won’t break a sweat, and you can do it while standing in front of a mirror, brushing your teeth. Flex for a few seconds, then release and repeat, while you polish your pearly whites.

From stretching, to strengthening, and with cardio, too, there’s a lot you can do when you don’t technically have time to exercise. A little thoughtful multi-tasking is all it takes to move more! And remember, MoveWith offers a variety of super short workouts, so you can give it all you’ve got every day in under 30 minutes, even if you’ve only got 10 minutes. Check them out here.

MoveWith is the personal fitness membership that delivers daily audio coaching to ignite your body, mind and soul. We connect movers everywhere to the coaches who inspire them to form daily rituals.

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The Movement

MoveWith is your personal fitness membership that delivers daily audio coaching to ignite your body, mind and soul. www.movewith.com