Creativity Under Quarantine

Georgia Humphrey
Published in
Nov 12, 2020

The UK is back in lockdown for November, and although things are difficult for many creatives, we’re looking forward to seeing what brilliant projects our network members manage to create! Want to submit your lockdown projects? You can do so here.

Don’t forget to check out all our past features too, from the very beginning of lockdown!

Thomas Shawcroft

At the hight of lockdown, Rose ‘Patricia Hodge’ and her dog Reg live in comfortable isolation in an affluant part of central london. When a chance encounter with an unlikely drug dealer disrupts their routine, she realises she was already shielding from her past.

Coolbox / Marc Grundy

This was shot, cut and graded in one day. My dining room was transformed into a makeshift studio. It was shot on the Sony FX9, with some sequences using the probe lens by laowa.

Ft. Tiny Rebel Brewing the award-winning Welsh brewery

Jon Neves

Director & filmmaker based in Lisbon

Video produced for the Portuguese Red Cross, in response to the pandemic

