Interview with Paula Frank

We spoke to newly-signed Movidam Talent editor Paula Frank about her client collaboration, personal branding, and much more.

Georgia Humphrey
3 min readMar 10, 2020


Who is Paula Frank?

I am a German girl that got ‘stuck’ (and I mean this in the best way possible) in London.

What drew you to a career in editing?

Sussing out what makes people tick has always come naturally to me. Be it knowing exactly what a teacher wanted to hear in school, or getting a friend to realise that they are chasing their own tail by asking them just the right questions. To me, editing boils down to the same principles; you have to understand your audience, find the most effective way of telling a story and leave them with a lasting impression without them ever knowing that you had any part in it.

How would you define your style?

It’s all in the material. Like an artist might discover a sculpture in a block of marble, I enjoy finding the essence of a story or an idea in the rushes and shaping it until it becomes whole.

How do you balance your own creative flair with the needs/restrictions of a specific project?

Half the fun for me is figuring out what the ins and outs of a project are and finding a way to deliver exactly that — in my experience there is still plenty of room for creativity while colouring inside the lines.

Describe your ideal project (subject matter, style of working, creative freedom, etc)

I love bouncing off other creative people, so my ideal project would be working with a team of people in which everyone is exceptional in their own fields — so that I have beautiful material to play with and a clear idea of what the aim of the project is. Within that I am all for creative freedom of how to connect the two.

How did you go about creating your Keyframes brand?

It took a fair bit of soul-searching and browsing the world wide web for inspiration of what I do and don’t like, and adding a talented graphic designer. Allow for a bit of back and forth to try out some options as well as a bit of fine tuning and ‘Voila!’

How important do you think this kind of personal branding is in the industry?

I think there is a flood of new talent out there so when it comes to standing out from the crowd it helps to have a clear, memorable brand. You are, after all, asking someone to trust you with their project, and ultimately their brand, so showing that you understand the importance of brand communication without having to spell it out is a big plus. Saying that though, nothing beats a first hand personal impression.

Where do you see yourself at the end of 2020?

Backpacking in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in Mexico.

How about 2025?

Doing the same things I do today but bigger better and with a few more wrinkles?! Honestly I have no idea — life has a way of surprising me and that’s just how I like it.

