One of the great advantages of watching Noir Alley on Turner Classic Movies is that it offers a look at movies I never knew existed. This movie is also one of those rare birds: a Spanish film noir. (In Spanish, it’s called Muerte de un ciclista.)

It isn’t described as a film noir on Wikipedia, but it does qualify as such. One of the things that makes this movie so interesting is that it combines the story tropes and visual style of noir and with the look and feel of social realism.

The plot is fairly standard. A university professor named Juan is having an affair with Maria, the socialite wife of a wealthy man. En route home from a liaison, she hits a bicyclist with her car. Maria stops the car, but it is only Juan who bothers getting out to check on the fallen man, who as it turns out, is still alive. Barely.

“Hey! Let’s beat it outta here! ¡Vámanos, muchacho! (Photo via Vagebond’s Movie Screen Shots.)

As Juan hovers, perhaps considering his next steps, Maria leaves the car, but keeps her distance. Then she stamps one high-heeled foot and says, “Let’s beat it.” In Spanish. In essence.

It would appear that no one else has witnessed the accident. Except, of course, someone could have. That someone is either a sleazy art critic…



Debbi Mack
Movie Lover’s Club

New York Times bestselling author of eight novels, including the Sam McRae Mystery series. Screenwriter, podcaster, and blogger. My website: