Journey of Movie Market Cap (

Krishna Dahal
Movie Market Cap
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2018

On July 22nd, we recently launched our 3rd product (from Algebra, Inc.)— Movie Market Capitalizations ( And as a CEO of Algebra, Inc., I thought it would be a great idea to share the journey we have been on so far.

The beginning……. I have always been movie fanatics; always wanted to be a part of movie world. I watch great movies, crazy movies, so-so movies and bad movies but the way I select movies to watch or the way I find movies were totally inefficient. Biased reviews from critics, unfiltered ratings of IMDb or RT or Meta Critics and reactions of die-hard fans of particular actors or directors — — these are still driving most of our cinema beside heavy-budget promotions.

Apart from how I select movies, I am worried on where I watch movies. Theaters haven’t attracted me yet in this life. I love watching movies at home. And now I get tussled for paid service (Netflix or Youtube or Amazon or XYZ) against pirated streaming links. As a movie fan, I never ever support piracy. But I am stunned for finding people doing illegal streaming even when it’s available for free like in youtube. Who is there to tell them — this movie is free to watch legally?? And how far has google gone to de-rank the piracy sites??

The project …… Following this thought war, I started this project Movie Market Capitalizations or MMC ( (Note: The name and designs are obviously inspired by In MMC, people can search any movies (we currently list only 2018 movies) to find their streaming links, ratings, rankings, actors, crews, box office, budget, trend graph and many more. Streaming Links help users to find legal streaming links easily; users can also report any illegal links (if present) to de-rank or remove. The UI is really simple tabular form and easy to navigate. In future we’ll update and make this platform more useful and movie-friendly.

Game on! Support us and follow us for movie stuffs.

