Boycott Bollywood — A Lucrative Career?

Today it is a hobby, I hope it becomes a career soon

Abhishek Sainani
Movie Over Matter
2 min readSep 17, 2022


Photo by Geoffrey Moffett on Unsplash

Boycotting something can be useful if done for the right cause. My country’s freedom struggle is filled with many instances of boycotts that were considered genuine (legal and non-violent) ways of expressing one’s dislike for something. Moreover, given the angst among people towards bigger establishments and power centers, a boycott is a safe way to vent that frustration and helplessness.

But why Bollywood?

Most people are bothered about Hinduphobic and Hindi-hating content peddled by Bollywood as entertainment and creative freedom. But there’s a bigger concern that many fail to notice — lack of quality. The movies these days aren’t even so horrible that you could make fun of those movies, the way we often did during college days with movies like Gunda. Today movies are either cheap remakes or a lackluster bland concoction of some outdated idea. This is the reason I joined the boycott movement.

Watching good quality content from non-Hindi movie industries within India and outside India that is easily available on OTT has made many of us realize that Bollywood is not interested in experimenting with new ideas and is only interested in making money.

This makes me wonder: what if Boycott Bollywood became a viable career option in the long term? I might switch to it because it will suit me perfectly:

  1. I will be working from home on my laptop and smartphone.
  2. I will be paid to talk bad things about bad movies, and channel my daily life’s angst through it. Basically, a therapy for which I get paid!
  3. I will enjoy bringing down rich celebs from their pedestal! Will get a momentary high.
  4. I will save my civilization and the world from misrepresentation and mediocre content, and especially stop the damaging influence on young minds.

If anybody is willing to pay for this, let me know. I did the Brahmastra one for free. You’re welcome.



Abhishek Sainani
Movie Over Matter

An aspiring writer who often juggles between his inner world, his dream world, and the real world. Writes poetry, humorous observations and opinion pieces.