Mathu Vadalara — A Smart And Focused Suspense Thriller

I had no expectations from this one, but I watched twice that day

Abhishek Sainani
Movie Over Matter
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Photo Source: Movie poster from IMDb

I tend to browse a lot before deciding to watch something on OTT. But that Saturday I had some office work so I decided to check ‘my list’ on Prime Video. I came across this movie that I had saved on that list nearly a year ago because it was recommended by Jammy Pants from the YouTube channel Tried and Refused Productions. But I had no expectations, I was just curious to check why the movie had received positive reviews.

I got interested in the world and the characters instantly, but the plot took some 15 minutes to get interesting. And it gets bizarre around half-time. And explains everything and doesn’t leave any question in your mind by the time it ends.

This movie was released in 2019 and is about a delivery man and how he gets entangled in something crazy. It is interesting that it was released one year before the pandemic. If it were to be released today, the makers could add the challenges during the pandemic into the plot to make it more interesting. People might be more interested in the movie because many of us began appreciating the role of delivery personnel in our lives during the difficult phase of the pandemic.

When my wife returned from the office that Saturday (yes she also had a working Saturday), she said she was too tired and requested me not to browse and decide something to watch quickly. I wasn’t sure whether she would like the way the movie begins, because it takes time to reach the interesting point, so I gave her a gist of the initial 10 minutes and played the movie after that point. By the end of it, she decided to recommend this movie to her friends. Didn’t realize such an overwhelming response from her. Was it because it was such a good movie but I didn’t realize it, or because I didn’t waste her time and exhaust her mind by browsing for the best content to watch (something I do every single time)?

The best part of the movie is the humor (both silly and smart), and the way the suspense unfolds. It is difficult to predict the next outcome in the movie, which makes it a riveting watch. And it is not a serious movie, it can be enjoyed after a long and tiring day at work. Another plus point is its well-edited and tight plot, and no scene is wasted in the movie.

I didn’t like the explanation at the end but my wife liked it. On second thoughts I realized that it wasn’t a bad explanation, just a far-fetched and convenient one.

It was fun to watch my wife’s reaction to the twists and turns in the movie. I kept confusing her at some points and tested her prediction power at some other points. She usually predicts the twists in the movie much better than I can, but she also failed in this movie, so was impressed by her experience.

My favorite scene in the movie: The one in which the delivery man has to deal with the fiesty old lady.

I recommend watching this interesting suspense thriller on Amazon Prime Video. Don’t hesitate to watch it with subtitles if you don’t understand Telugu, it will be time worth spending.



Abhishek Sainani
Movie Over Matter

An aspiring writer who often juggles between his inner world, his dream world, and the real world. Writes poetry, humorous observations and opinion pieces.