Parkland trailer

moviescramble previews the new Dallas based film Parkland

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Published in
1 min readAug 26, 2013


The first trailer for the film Parkland has just been released. The film recounts the events at the Parkland hospital in Dallas on the twenty-second of November 1963, the day the American president John F Kennedy was assassinated. The main story has been brought to the screen on many occasions and the events are very well-known to the public in general. In an effort to frame the tale in a unique way the film on the fiftieth anniversary of the events Parkland focuses on what happened in the immediate aftermath of the shooting at the local Dallas hospital.

The story centres around the young doctor who is tasked with the care of the President and the pressures placed on his shoulders. Zac Efron stars as the doctor with support from what can only be described as an all-star cast. Offering support are Billy Bob Thornton, Paul Giamatti, Tom Welling, Marcia Gay Harden, Jackie Weaver and Ron Livingston.

Parkland is released on 4th October in the US and the 8th of November in the UK.



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