29 Things I loved from season 29 of the Challenge

Allan Aguirre
Movie Time Guru
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2017

Let’s celebrate. The finale is here, and regardless of who you are cheering, today is a day to be happy that we got a solid season from Bunim-Murray.

  1. The unexpected — had you told me that in a bracket with Cara Maria and Laurel that Camila would go to the final, I would have called you crazy.
  2. CT being back. He just makes every season better with his presence for commentary, but also as a competitor. #DadBod
  3. Bananas losing, yet bringing actual entertainment to the show. I love to watch Bananas lose more than I hate watching him win. However, the way he trolled the Underdogs this season was hilarious.
  4. Laurel being proven to be human. I do not like her and Nicole’s relationship that much, the way she was played with did not feel that good, Laurel was really humanized on this season though, and that feels like some actual character progression.
  5. Promising athletes for the future. Hunter, Nicole, Nelson, and Kailah showed up on the scene, most of them being their rookie season or first real season, and they all performed well physically. Kailah and Nicole could become two top female physical competitors in the future, Hunter was an overall beast, and Nelson might win the final!
  6. A whole lot of hooking up. There are so many confirmed, possible, and unconfirmed hook ups from this season, which made it feel like a true season of the Challenge.
  7. The return of a ton of non-big competitors. It was nice to see LaToya, Marie, Ashley K, and others show back up for this season of the Challenge. Good to have those middle tier competitors show up.
  8. Creative eliminations. Besides the elimination between Cory and Theo, most of the eliminations were either classics, or creative original games.
  9. A focus on balance. Some seasons of the Challenge are very one dimensional, while this season always had a focus on multiple factors: strength, physical endurance, mental endurance, agility, mental capabilities, social game, politics, etc. We saw Jenna, Hunter, and Tony all lose due to this focus on multiple skill-sets.
  10. Almost no quitters. After last season, the amount of quitting or disqualifications was very upsetting. This season under much worse conditions, we only had 1 quitter, Theo.
  11. Darrell and his camper. On Reddit and many sites, people would campaign for Darrell to get his camper. His indifference for drama and the fake bravado that is done by many of the cast-mates was refreshing.
  12. Puzzles. While most people enjoy watching competitors bash each others head in, I personally enjoy when they give the competitors something physical, and add puzzles to it. Puzzles are a great equalizer, so it’s fun to watch people whose sole focus is on hitting the gym get messed up.
  13. The Bloodbath. Whenever they do one of the “surprise” last minute eliminations like they did on Free Agents and Rivals 3, the problem is that people who floated are usually able to get by — Johnny Reilly & Devyn (Free Agents), and then Devin & Cheyenne (Rivals 3). In the Bloodbath, everyone had to compete for themselves.
  14. Sylvia? I am not a big Sylvia fan, but watching her win 2 eliminations was kind of cool. Reminded me of Sarah Greyson on the Gauntlet.
  15. Are You The One proving they can be top competitors. All of the AYTO players made it to the Oasis besides Anthony, who lost to Nelson in elimination. Dario was eliminated by Nelson as well, while Hunter and Amanda were casuals of the Bloodbath, Amanda physical, Hunter mental.
  17. Butt shots. Is it me, or did the camera guys get a hundred dollar bonus for each time he got a good booty shot.
  18. CT. Again.
  19. Camila being in the best shape of her life. I never looked at Camila and thought she needed to get in better shape. She did though, and the results have been great.
  20. Watching Zach lose to Darrell.
  21. Amanda Garcia. Surprise player who proved to be a great mental player. According to a lot of people, it was her who was the brains behind the big house alliance and the mean girls.
  22. The legitimate hate in the house. We have so much potential for a future Rivals season now: Nelson/Tony, Shane/Cory, Zach/Bruno, Amanda/Kailah, Amanda/Jenna, Amanda/Laurel, Amanda/Camila, Amanda/Nicole, Ashley/Kailah, Ashley/Camila, Nicole/Sylvia, Cara/Laurel, Ashley K/Jenna. Potential.
  23. TJ Lavin, killing it like always.
  24. A sober Tony. I did not cheer for Tony this season due to my distaste for his game-play, but I respect him being sober.
  25. Camila demeaning Cory. Cory thinks he is an alpha, and got a rude awakening during the final while paired with Camila.
  26. The jerseys. The rainbow of colors to start off was cute, while the jersey of the Champs and Underdogs looked really sleek and clean.
  27. Abs. All of the guys without their shirts this season looked fantastic. Shout out to Nelson and Hunter, who were so ripped that their shirts would cling to their body and literally create the outline of 6 packs.
  28. CT’s dad bod.



Allan Aguirre
Movie Time Guru

28 years old. I blog about MTV's the Challenge and will dabble into other subjects occasionally. Follow me on Twitter for the occasional bad joke.