A Lesson From Action Films

New Minimalism
Movie Time Guru
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2016


There’s a life lesson in the far fetched fantasy of action flicks. Sounds weird but it’s true. There’s a beautiful, minimalistic idea in there. Its subtle, most are probably preoccupied with the car chases, explosions, and shootouts to notice it. Its something that typically takes place near the climax of the film, right before all hell breaks loose and the hero kicks ass. They gather lots of stuff, firearms, ammo, grenades, etcetera. Then during the firefight and battle for victory, the hero ends up ditching those supplies. Their duffle bag full of guns gets caught on something, or maybe they ditch their backpack so they can move quicker. Instead of relying on that stuff or regretting getting rid of it, they make use of their skills and knowledge, and prevail. There lies the lesson.

Gathering a bunch of stuff doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to succeed. Having a bunch of valuable skills will give you a better chance at succeeding. So when you’re about to enter into your own battle for victory — whatever it may consist of — don’t bring a bunch of stuff. Bring with knowledge — it’s lighter, both emotionally and physically. Use the knowledge to fight, and walk proudly from the smoke a champion.



New Minimalism
Movie Time Guru

The most complicated skill is to be simple — Dejan Stojanovic