Aren`t coming of age movies just awesome !

Mohamed Hamdy
Movie Time Guru
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2016

a huge transformation happened in the last 20 years to the worldwide cinema , movies have changed and most of them are heading to the same direction these days , many factors caused this to happen and the most important of them as we know is financial profit .
coming of age movies is category of many which have been neglected since the late 90`s . and for those who don`t know what coming of age movies are here is a brief that will help you .
a combination of youths life problems , romance , comedy and drama that touches the viewers immediately as it tell situations , thoughts, feelings you experienced before , experiencing now or will experience one day . although it seem to be a category declaiming only youths , you would be touched even if you`re 70 .
if you`re not a coming of age movies fan yet , here are coming of age movies to begin with that will take your breath away :

St. Elmo`s fire .

St. Elmo`s fire to me is one of my favorite movies of all time . a 1985 film discussing a lives of a group of friends with different characters adjusting to their post university lives . also with the starring Emillio Estevez , Rob Lowe , Demi Moore , Andrew McCarthy , Jude Nelson , Ally Sheedy and Mare Winningham , it couldn` be more perfect .

the breakfast club .

1985 was a great year for coming of age films fans as it produced another tremendous film , the breakfast club . like St. Elmo`s fire discussing group of youths but this time a school students that get to know each other for the first time in school detention . a film discussing teenagers and obstacles they face in the simplest and most amusing way .

A win win situation .

coming of age films didn`t let any side down . for producers , actors , etc. most of these films were blockbusters and on the other and most important side for viewers it couldn`t be more honest as it mostly discusses an important sector and psychological changes that happen to people through their growing up tough journey .

