Do or do not, there is no try!

Eduardo Cucharro
Movie Time Guru
Published in
1 min readJan 18, 2016

This days I was watching the old star wars episodes and heard Yoda saying to Luke: Do or do not there is no try. A very simple phrase but carrying so much meaning.

How many times we have lunch and instead of appreciate the dish we eat checking our smartphones? How many times we commute to work and see no people even surrounded by hundreds of them? Or how many times we watch that TV show our loved one likes beside them doing something else at the same time?

Usually we have strong motive to be there, maybe it is the best dish you can have right now, maybe it is just to make your wife/husband happy, and even if you wish to do something different you chose for some reason been there right? So why aren't you living fully that moment? Enjoy it, you can't have any better right now and you may like it much more than you think.

This situations happens every day, and when we notice, years has been passed and we didn't live our "wished moment" nor the real moment, we are in that "try" state.

Do or do not, there is no try. We don't know how many time we have nor how many time our loved one has, so, DO, while you can!

