How to Make Netflix Work in India

Pankaj Pal
Movie Time Guru
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2016

I was looking at the latest news on Netflix launch in India, when I stumbled upon The Hindu article, ‘Why Netflix won’t Work in India’.

I was amongst the earliest subscribers of Netflix India and while I am not satisfied with the titles available currently, I’m quite hopeful. However I won’t be paying just to watch Better Call Saul and The Daredevil, as its not viable in terms of economy.

Unlimited internet packs start from ₹699 and they get reduced speed after some 3–4 GB data limit. Add that to minimum ₹500 subscription and that is ₹1199 for roughly 10–15 non-HD viewing hours. This is from the standpoint of a middle-class 9–5 working viewer. That amount, while not huge, certainly kills the enthusiasm.

I don’t care much for HD viewing as I mostly watch my TV on my Android tablet. I just want to able to watch the shows uninterrupted even on a bandwidth of 250kb+. Netflix does that quite nicely, as it arranges the streaming quality according to the speed.

I want to see John Snow being stabbed at it’s earliest, and it’s okay if my slow speed connection doesn’t show me red fire reflected in the blood drops. Sometimes what matters is only the availability not so much, quality.

It’s like when there is a draught or flood, whatever is being given we take it. It’s content draught in Indian television we’re experiencing now.

There are shows unnecessarily high on drama, some are being stretched beyond what reason permits because Indian content writers have nothing original to say, it seems. There are still some good shows, one being Comedy Nights With Kapil and another Aap Ki Adalat.

So yeah I’ll watch Jessica Jones in standard definition than CID in HD.

So I’d call out the writer of The Hindu article for being quick to criticize. At least give Netflix some time to settle. About House of Cards, don’t be so holier than thou and accept that everyone who has heard about it has pirated it. If somebody hasn’t, its on them.

Now onto some suggestions to JumpStart the launch.

  • Most of us have free WiFi at our workplaces so it’d be really awesome to be able to download the shows offline, say for 72 hours or so.
  • If Netflix is going to show Indian shows than subscription amount needs to go down. DTH operators are offering packages around ₹300, so why not bring your own rates down. Let’s be honest and say approximately 70% user base of Netflix will watch Hindi and regional content. Or maybe good English shows with Hindi subtitles, if not dubbed.
  • Try collaborating with telecom operators like Airtel to soften the blow of data price and a negotiated reasonable unthrottled speed. Airtel or Reliance Jio can do this with their eyes closed, if there is enough motivation.
  • We as Indians are very conscious about not paying to two different people for one type of thing. So yeah packaged (cheapish) deals might be the way to go, even if charged cumulatively by Netflix or likes of Airtel.
  • Let’s bring in everything you’ve got in US to India.
  • Yes we pirate even though it’s such an hassle but I was binge watching The Black List and I fell in love with the ease of Netflix.

So that’s pretty much I’ve to say about Desi Netflix not being a columnist in some nice paper, but I feel I’ve said my bit.

