Marvel’s Black Panther

Αchilleus ⚡️
Movie Time Guru
Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2018

Marvel’s Black Panther was another good addition to the list to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. During Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” we get acquainted with T’Challa, next in line to the throne of Wakanda, and because of the murder of his father King T’Chaka, he becomes part of the Civil War. Once the dust cleared, T’Challa returns to Wakanda, where we shall see him again in Marvel’s Black Panther.

Captain America: Civil War

The way I judge a film is in two ways, one “did it entertain me?”, two “was the story well told?”, and as for superhero films, it will add one more which is “is it close to the comics?”. When I go to see a film in theaters I want to be entertain, and it doesn’t matter if it is an action, drama, comedy or horror film. I want to feel like I been told the greatest story, that it will clear my mind and make me feel like I have become part of the film. As comics like books turn into films, you expect for things to be left out, or in the case of “The Hobbit”, “things made up”, add to the film.

For a film to be the greatest, it’s a film that I do not want to end, or that I cannot wait to see it again. Black Panther did not feel that way, do not get me wrong, I enjoyed the film but there were things that it lacked for me to be fully entertained by. The story felt like it was lacking something, like the film should have focused only on Wakanda, T’Challa, and his hero’s journey through the film. The film felt like it was focusing on other things, unrelated to the hero or Wakanda, which are good material for future films because let’s be honest, Black Panther will definitely get a trilogy. First solo superhero films should focus on breaking and building the character, yet with Black Panther, it was like this was a sequel instead of a been his first solo.

Marvel’s Black Panther is a good film, I recommend you go see it, but I personally do not see it as Marvel’s best. It has a good story, which could have been better. The action was good, yet not really the best. T’Challa the character is not just a king, he is a billionaire, brilliant, and a badass superhero yet it did not feel that way. He wasn’t broken enough unlike our other heroes who had to reach rock bottom to truly start their journey and to understand their path.

Every Hero has their arch-nemesis and a long list of villains. For Example, in an unrelated comic book, Batman, we all have seen or know his long list of villains. Yet we also know his true arch nemesis, The Joker. This is a common rule for all heroes and superheroes. Iron Man arch nemesis is the Mandarin, Captain America is Red Skull, Thor is Loki, and for Black Panther is Klaw. Klaw lasted twenty minutes, Red Skull lasted an entire two hours, the fake Mandarin didn’t die, and Loki faked his death twice. From that moment when Klaw was killed right off, it ruined the film. You just killed Black Panther’s greatest enemy, Wakanda’s greatest enemy, the person who in the comic kills T’Challa’s father. Klaw has terrorized Wakanda for decades, and he gets twenty minutes of screen time? Imagen in the next Batman film, the Joker dies at the beginning of the film, people would be outraged and disappointed as I felt when I saw Klaw get killed. I liked Kilmonger as a villain do not get me wrong, but he should have been saved for the next installment.

Black Panther is a good film, it has awesome characters, the production was gorgeous, Wakanda was incredible. I went into the theater thinking it would be an awesome film, not just because it’s a Marvel film, and that the last three Marvel films were awesome, but what really made me think this film would have been awesome is the main character. T’Challa is an absolutely awesome, badass, character. Yet, I did not see that, I saw it more on his sister whom I end it up cheering more for than I expected.

I did not want to focus too much on the politics in the film, it was definitely the last thing I was expecting from a Marvel superhero film, after all, it is a fictional superhero film. As well when it comes to race, since the film only had two white folks. Ironically, I found it the funniest thing, because both actors played Hobbits. Truth be told I did not expect to see any except for Klaw, and since it is about an African, superhero, King in Africa.

Great cast all around, love seen Danai Gurira kicking ass as always. The King of Wakanda, Chadwick Boseman, who is an incredible actor. Forest Whittaker no matter what he does, he does such a great job. At last Letitia Wright, who had the best performance and character I enjoyed and hope to see more of.

Overall, Black Panther is worth checking out in theaters, even though it could be improved on the story, it had good action, drama, humor!

I rate this movie: Fucking Amazing!

