Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Αchilleus ⚡️
Movie Time Guru
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2017

This film has to be one of the top best Star Wars films of all time! We finally have the answer to the question that has been asked since the release of “A New Hope”, how did Princess Leia get the plans to destroy the Death Star, and why was there a weakness with in. Rogue One, or as I like to call it Episode 3.9, is the second best Star Wars film because for one it is completely original unlike Episode Seven. The action was incredible, and for two-hour movie it was not long or it did not drag, it had around six scenes which made it simple action story packed. It was comfortable detailed, not rushed and exactly perfectly enjoyable. The casting was excellent, the visual effects alone to recreate old familiar faces was great. Darth Vader was perfect, finally getting to see him in action, as Darth Vader, (SPOILER) the scene when the rebels knew they were about to get fucked, Darth Vader unleashed his lightsaber and started to drop bodies left and right, that was the best scene (END OF SPOILER).Rogue one is what fans needed and deserved after Episode Seven, and maybe in a near future a Darth Vader film for the greatest antagonist that has ever been created. Rogue One is the definitely one of the best films of 2016, and in my opinion second best Star Wars film after “The Empire Strikes Back”. Overall, it is definitely a must see, one awesome fucking film!

I rate this movie: Fucking Epic!

