Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming

Αchilleus ⚡️
Movie Time Guru
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2017

The best Spider-Man movie ever, for now, along as it is been run by Marvel! This film was absolutely Awesome. Take it from a person who does not care for Spider-Man, the real reason that I even went to see this film in IMAX 3D was to see my boy Iron Man and also because it takes part of the MCU finally! Homecoming was absolutely different from the rest of the MCU films, and what I mean by its that is not about an adult trying to figure out their life and be a superhero at the same time. Homecoming felt like it was high school all over again, unless you are still in high school, and you do not want to go to school and you just want to be out in the world, but as for Peter Parker is more about being Spider-Man. Marvel knows how to perfectly cast people for their characters since 2008, go back the very beginning of the MCU and you will not find an actor that was not meant for their part (Not counting Terrence Howard). Tom Holland is the perfect Peter Parker/Spider-Man, the rest of the cast was absolutely fantastic all around! The story was absolutely amazing picks right off the “Battle in Berlin” during “Captain America: Civil War” and takes right off showing how Peter is ready for the next mission with the Avengers, and how he deals with responsibilities like for example school and how badly Peter wants to hear that bell so he can put on the suit and save the little guy. There were so many Spider (Easter) Eggs all over the place, I went back to see the film one more time incase I missed any because there were so many, my favorite one is (Spoiler) was the Iron Spider Suit, hopefully straight out of the Civil War comics (End of Spoiler). Overall, one of the best films of 2017, and definitely the best Spider-Man movie, I highly recommend you see this film on the biggest screen, I’m definitely going to see this film couple more times!

I rate this movie: Fucking Epic!

