Stranger Things Wall — Apple TV Edition.

Séraphin Hochart
Movie Time Guru
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2016

Even if you didn’t see the amazing Stranger Things TV Show by Netflix, this is one of the key scenes that became very popular on the internet. The “Christmas Lights Alphabet” works like a Ouija board and is the only way the characters can communicate with a parallel world, with the lights appearing above each individual letter until it creates a message.

Since Halloween was coming soon, I really wanted to make this costume :

However, in order for it to be more impressive, I decided to make it interactive. Since I’ve never really done any hardware project and time was limited, I stuck to what I already know and made it into an app for the Apple TV!

Since I wanted to use this at Halloween parties and at the office — where many people would be using it consecutively, I figured the best method of making this work would be through SMS : text a number and see the message appear almost instantly.

Here is the basic version, ready for Halloween 🎃🎃🎃:

Step 1 : Send your text message
Step 2 : Tadaaa! 🎉 (accelerated gif)

You can find it on Github, server code (good old reliable PHP) and tvOS code in Swift. Not the best code or the most optimized (it doesn’t write to a DB… it saves a .json file), but it works. It queues messages so you can leave it on during a party, or all day at your office for Halloween.

All you will need is a 2$CAD Twilio number (so a few pennies for our American friends), a php server, and an Apple TV.

Have fun with it and send me your videos if you do use it! 👻🎃



Séraphin Hochart
Movie Time Guru

Product @Breather and iOS Developer with a background in Economy and Political science.