The Christmas watch list without actual Christmas movies

For when you don’t want to watch Love Actually. Again.

Afke van Rijn
Movie Time Guru
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2017


The holidays are coming! A time to rest, be with family, put down your work and relax. And what better way to wind down than to drop down on the couch and put on a flick. But not a Christmas flick. Dear God please. I cannot sit through It’s a Wonderful Life again. I never liked Love Actually to begin with, and even Home Alone will get tedious after a hundred times.

Luckily there are plenty of festive movies that will get you in the Christmas spirit without actually having to watch a Christmas movie. Here’s the list, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the holidays on your own terms.

Harry Potter

Yes, let’s start with the obvious choice. These classics are always due for a re-watch, and the childish tone and ideal morals are just right for the festive season. The earlier movies present the most beautiful winter landscapes, for about 10 minutes, after which the movie turns back to the magic at hand. It’s enough to get your Christmas spirits up, but ultimately enjoy an iconic series. Bonus for the entire series taking 19 hours and 38 minutes to finish, so you’ll be entertained for a while.

The latest Disney Hits

’Tis the season to be with family, so get cozy with young and old for the latest Disney hits. Shamelessly catch up on all the latest and greatest children's movies like Moana and Coco (with your little niece or nephew of course). Let Mickey fill you with wonder with these light and bright films that will make anybody feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Perfect for the holidays.

The Disney classics

While you’re at it, why not do it right. Go back to the Lion King and Beauty and The Beast. Sing along to ‘A Whole New World’ and snobbishly explain to your younger cousin how the first Disney renaissance is far superior to the current era… Happy Christmas!

Galaxy Quest and The Princess Bride

These are just two examples of a most peculiar type of movie. A movie so sarcastic it’s absolutely genius and completely devastating at the same time. It destroys the genre it’s in with humor so bad it actually takes a decent level of intelligence to be able to appreciate it. With all the season’s love and coziness and family and joy, remind yourself of the cynical twisted person you are with the most sarcastic flicks.

Your personal favorites

I can’t fill this in for everybody, but I will be watching West Side Story and Moulin Rouge again. And again. This Christmas, treat yourself to the films you’ve seen a thousand times, and would watch another thousand times. Knowing exactly what’s going to happen next, mouthing every word along with the characters, this familiar movie will provide the most relaxing watching experience this holiday. Let’s face it, these favorites are always on your watch list, Christmas is just an excuse.

Bonus: technically still Christmas movies

By now your family might be nagging you to please put on a real Christmas movie for once. You are happy to oblige and put on Die Hard. It’s technically still a Christmas movie… Life of Brian, maybe even Nightmare before Christmas if you stretch it. Even Batman Returns is a Christmas film! Here is your loophole to binge the most random films over your holiday break.

For many the winter break is a time to relax, a time to put school or work out of mind. To finally lay on the couch doing nothing instead of working, wasting time on movies. So why restrict yourself to one type of movie, only because of the season? After all, the holidays are meant to be joyous, so by all means choose those films that bring you joy!

Photo found here

