Where Are They Now: Cool Girls From Movies

Michael Rodriguez
Movie Time Guru
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2017

Ever wonder where some of your favorite characters are today? We asked cool girls from movies what they are up to now and if fictional characters cease to exist after the credits roll. Turns out, they do!

Clementine, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind:

“Look man I told you, it just kinda all went black. I bet you were expecting something a little more exciting. You see this girl with crazy blue hair and you think there must be a story there. Well want to know the best part? This is exactly where I thought I’d end up. Trapped in a pitch black void of nothingness for all of eternity answering questions from YOU. Let me guess, I bet you think you can save me. Get in line. I’m just a fucked up girl living in the hell she deserves. Besides, I kinda like it here.”

Summer, 500 Days of Summer:

“The last thing I remember I was sitting in a deli reading Dorian Gray. It’s like I said my final line of dialogue and then everything disappeared. I haven’t been to work in months. Or IKEA! And since then I’ve just been thinking: What if I hadn’t been in that deli at that exact time on that exact day? Would I still be around today spewing phallic language in public parks? (Giggles) Maybe. …I’m sorry, is that a sandwich? I actually have not eaten since the diner scene ….do you think I can have a bite of that? I’m starving. Ha! Ha! Please? I’ll be your girlfriend. Just kidding! You’re too important to me.”

Annie Hall, Annie Hall:

“Oh, me? Oh what? This old — ? Oh. What do you — Oh. Movie? What movie? Oh yes I see. Well, I suppose I do recall. Hey, say, what’s this all for anyhow? You want to know what I’ve been up to? Well, lah di dah. Say, I don’t suppose you can give me a ride to the upper west side, could you? Oh no, Annie, that’s too much to ask. Stupid. Well hey, worth a shot right? You see the thing is I’m a really bad driver and also haven’t breathed a breath of air since 1977.”

Amelie, Amelie:

“Je pense donc je suis.Je pense donc je suis. Seul avec la solitude de mes propres pensées, j’ai eu le temps de penser aux plus grandes questions du monde. Est-ce que nous existons vraiment? Si je ne suis qu’un produit, un dessin, une idée de l’esprit d’un homme avec une plume — comment est-ce que je peux me sentir si perdu? Et excitée.”

Frances Halladay, Frances Ha:


There you have it! Wow! Though their story lines may have come to an end, these cool girls will continue being cool in our memory, always.



Michael Rodriguez
Movie Time Guru

Michael Rodriguez is a writer who was born in New York but raised in New Jersey where there is only the mall.