Why Him?

Αchilleus ⚡️
Movie Time Guru
Published in
1 min readJan 19, 2017

This film was extremely funny, from the very beginning to the very end. This film would be as I like to call it a modern adult humor, rated R, cuss words in every line type of humor. The comedy chemistry between James Franco, Bryan Cranston and Keegan-Michael Key was just absolutely funny, the way they just kept each other going with humor through out the film was just amusing. Good cast overall. (Spoiler) Did not expected to see the band KISS at the end, and speaking of spoilers, when James Franco threw a chicken at Keegan-Micheal Key out of nowhere was so unexpected hilarious, absolutely my favorite scene from the entire film (End of Spoiler). Overall, this film was absolutely funny, it will keep you entertain the entire time, it is a must see!

I rate this movie: Fucking Great!

