MovieBloc(MBL) Roadmap for 2024

Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2024

Dear Community.

We are pleased to announce what MovieBloc has done in the second half of 2023 and our roadmap for 2024.

MovieBloc has achieved 100% of our roadmap for the second half of 2023. Please refer to the following for the roadmap and achievement status announced in 2023.

MovieBloc Roadmap for 2023 Link

2023 1st and 2nd quarter roadmap achievement status Link

1. 2023 Recap

1) 2023 3Q Recap

① Establishment of a professional film community

Film Community “Movie Talk” Launched on June 15th. (Link for service)

“Movie Talk” is MovieBloc’s film community, where you can communicate with users all around the world. Movie Talk supports automatic translation of posts and comments into Korean, English, Chinese, and the original language so that you can communicate without language barriers.

The hashtag system allows you to collect and view other posts that contain that hashtag, and we’ve added an embedded system that allows you to list movies that are screening on MovieBloc in your posts.

② Global OTT Rank Service Launch

Global OTT Ranking Service Launched on July 17th. (Link for notice)

As a global OTT platform, MovieBloc launched the OTT Rank Service, which allows you to view the global OTT rank by country. Through the service, you can see the most popular movies, TV shows, and broadcast programs by country at this very moment.

2) 2023 4Q Recap

①Activation of Token Utility Step 2: Funding system for creators via MBL

Funding System launched at 2023.9.25 (Link for notice)

Funding system allows you to support creators for the growth of short and independent films. Through the system, creators are given the opportunity to bring diverse films to audiences, and participants can support creators with Popcorn when they find a film they want to support on MovieBloc. Those Popcorn can be exchanged to MBL when you earn a certain amount of CORN.

②Activation of Token Utility Step 3: Advancing participants’ reward policy

Survival Event Organization(Link for service)

  • The 1st Survival Event was held from December 4th to December 11th. [Link for notice]
  • The 2nd Survival Event was held from December 22nd to January 5th. [Link for notice]

MovieBloc.rew: Editors Management (Link for notice)

  • The 3rd Editors were managed from October. 23rd to December. 22nd. [Link]
  • The 4th Editors were managed from December 22nd to February 23rd. [Link]

In order to activate the Token Utility, MovieBloc operated a participant-centric reward policy, Survival Event and MovieBloc.rew: Editors.

Those policies have created a virtuous cycle that rewards participants and activates MBL Tokens for MovieBloc.

2. 2024 Roadmap

MovieBloc’s 2024 goal is to solidify its position as a professional Web3 platform through decentralization with an expanded reward policy for creators and participants based on their activities, with the following details

  • Additional Language Preset Launch
  • Open Film Festival Launch
  • Invigorating Token Utility centered on participants’ reward
  • Improving speciality through Media service expansion
  • Extending the range of Creative content and Advancing Funding service
  • Launching Membership service and Advancing My Page

1) 2024 Roadmap

① Additional Language Preset Launch

In addition to the current Korean, English and Chinese language preset, we’ll be launching a Japanese page in 1Q, and one more language preset later this year.

MovieBloc will continue to expand language presets for global users and strengthen its position as a global platform.

② Open Film Festival Launch

Open Film Festival is the centerpiece of what MovieBloc has built so far: Token Economy, Film Festival, and Funding system.

Everyone who participates in Open Film Festival — creators, translators, audiences, and supporters — collaborates closely to make MovieBloc’s content more diverse and will be rewarded for their participation.

③ Improving speciality through Media service expansion

MovieBloc will merge the current News section and upcoming Columns section into a single page called “Media”.

The new Column section will be a place for in-depth discussions with experts on various topics that MovieBloc is engaged in, including not only films but also the Token economy.

④ Advancing Funding service

The advanced funding service will provide creators with direct monetization opportunities to support their creative process.

Participants in the funding service will be rewarded with the satisfaction of contributing to the creative process.

⑤ Launching Membership service and Advancing My Page

As MovieBloc’s systems expand, so do the systems for the participants.

The new Membership service will have different features and UI based on the type and level of participant, such as Director / Cinephile / Columnist. This will give participants the opportunity to appeal and promote their contributions and achievements.

With an advanced My Page, every participant in MovieBloc will be able to see all of their activities on MovieBloc at a glance; such as creating, funding or participating in the community. Also, every participants will be given a new profile page based on their contributions.

2) 2024 Roadmap Quarterly Schedule

2024 1Q

  • Japanese Language Preset Launch
  • Open Film Festival Launch
  • Invigorating Token Utility centered on participants’ reward

2024 2Q

  • An expert Column service Launch
  • Media service expansion

2024 3Q

  • Advancing Funding system

2024 4Q

  • Advancing My Page
  • Launching Membership service

In 2024, MovieBloc will expand the scope of activities for independent film and short film creators and participants as much as possible, and continue to strengthen its policies and reward system for them, thereby solidifying its significance as a global independent film and short film platform.

Thank you for your support.

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