MovieBloc Monthly Newsletter- July 2021

Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2021

Dear MovieBloc Community,

We are issuing the monthly newsletter to recap our project updates to our MBL community, and here is the Monthly Newsletter for July 2021.

Events and Announcements

  1. 9th Seoul Guro International Kids Festival (1st–7th July)
    Due to Covid-19 outbreak, 9th Seoul Guro International Kids Festival (GUKIFF) scaled down its offline event and shifted to MovieBloc’s online film festival. MovieBloc screened 36 films; eight of those films were free to first 200 audiences as a promotional event.
  2. GwangHwaMun Int’l Short Film Festival Online Sumbission Closed
    The 19th GwangHwaMun Int’l Short Film Fetival (former Asiana Int’l Short Film Festival)’s online film submission has closed on July 15th. The festival received submission via MovieBloc and its official email address. Over 300 films were submitted via MovieBloc’s online submission service. We would like to thank everyone for submitting your films.
  3. Free Screening Events @ MovieBloc
    In July, MovieBloc held three free screening events at MovieBloc website: ‘Weekend Free Movie Screening (9th-12th July)’, ‘After Lunch Special Movies (14th July)’, and ‘Origine Films & Radiator IP Sales Selection 30th July-2nd August).’ There are more exciting and fun screening events coming, so please stay tuned!

MovieBloc Service Overview (as of 1st August 2021)

  1. Number of available films: 284
  2. Number of uploaded subtitles: 671
  3. Number of posted reviews/comments: 11,599

& Dear

MovieBloc Service Updates

In July, the team did the following updates on MovieBloc.

  1. Server maintenance and Database Update (20th July)
  2. MovieBloc admin page- Update including the Notice feature
  3. Online Film Submission Admin - Updates and Debugging
  4. Solved log-in error on iOS Safari browser
  5. Added movie genre: SF
  6. Added ‘line break’ function on review section
  7. Updated sitemap on Google & Naver for SEO

Press Release

  • Korean Film Biz Zone- Chris Kang CEO of MovieBloc applies blockchain to Film

We sincerely thank everyone who supports MovieBloc, and we will always put our best to deliver more exciting news.

Thank you,
MovieBloc Team | Telegram | Twitter

