MovieBloc Monthly Newsletter- June 2021

Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2021

Dear MovieBloc Community,

We are issuing the monthly newsletter to recap our project updates to our MBL holders and community, and here is the Monthly Newsletter for June 2021 :)

Events and Announcements

  1. 9th Seoul Guro Int’l Kids Film Festival (GUKIFF)
    MovieBloc provided a private page for the selected jury members of GUKIFF, which is currently open on the MovieBloc page.
  2. 18th Seoul Eco Film Festival (SEFF)
    Along with Megabox Seongsu, MBC TV, and Btv, MovieBloc joined as the online platform partner of the 18th Seoul Eco Film Festival, one of the major three environment film festivals. MovieBloc also hosted Green Cinema Online, an online environment program for children and teenagers.
  3. MovieBloc Opens Film Festival Submission Service (2021.6.15)
    MovieBloc launched the film festival online submission service for the filmmakers and the distributors. Users can conveniently submit their works to the film festival, while the festival program team can easily review the submitted works. This newly opened service is being used for AISFF’s call for entry from June 15th to July 15th, 2021.
  4. Event promotion: pay and earn!
    MovieBloc conducted a promotional event with Radiator IP Sales and Origine Films for two weeks. Lucky users who watched their films and left a review could win $100 USD worth of MBL. The event is closed now, but please stay tuned for more fun events!

MovieBloc Service Overview (30th June 2021)

  1. Number of available films: 328 (including private event films)
  2. Number of uploaded subtitles: 603
  3. Number of posted reviews/comments: 11,578
  4. Best selling films: Thunder From a Clear Sky & Dear

MovieBloc Service Updates

In May, the team did the following updates on MovieBloc.

  1. Film Festival: First Come First Served Function Update
    The FCFS movie now shows currently remaining spots.
  2. Change of text: “TVOD or AVOD” to “Paid or Free”
  3. Fixed bug occurring from the home Swipe Banner
  4. Unified the thumbnail size on the home page of
  5. Removed zoom-in effect when a user puts the mouse over the thumbnail
  6. Server migration to stabilize the DB server
  7. debug on APIs causing slower page loading

Other Updates

MovieBloc now has Reels! Enjoy the short videos uploaded by Hannah and Maisie from our marketing team :)

Press Release

We sincerely thank everyone who supports MovieBloc, and we will always put our best to deliver more exciting news.

Thank you,
MovieBloc Team | Telegram | Twitter

