MovieBloc Monthly Newsletter_September

Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2019

Hello from MovieBloc Team,

During the past month (from September 1st — September 30th),

(1) Attend SIWFF and SESIFF

MovieBloc attended 21st SIWFF (Seoul International Women’s Film Festival) and 11th SESIFF (Seoul international Extreme-Short Image & Film Festival). Please stay tuned for updates as we are working hard for content and product development.

(2) MBL listed on Bithumb Global

MovieBloc Token(MBL) is now listed on Bithumb Global, a leading digital asset exchange platform worldwide. Bithumb Global has financial sector entities and multinational financial licences in more than 10 countries and regions such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong. MBL’s Bithumb Global listing will provide market liquidity and an efficient trading environment to a wider range of traders.

(3) MovieBloc’s first Offline Meetup

On September 19th, MovieBloc hosted the first offline meet-up in Dreaum lounge, Gangnam. At this meeting, MovieBloc shared news about beta service launched last month, new partnership, and future plans. For details, please click here.

(4) Partnership with Piction Network

MovieBloc announced a strategic partnership with Piction Network Team, a decentralized peer-to-peer digital content ecosystem, to work together to increase the value of digital content through blockchain.

(5) DMZ International Documentary Film Festival

Last week, MovieBloc was invited to 11th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival as a partner and sponsor. MovieBloc selected one Korean project and one Asian project for MovieBloc award, supporting online streaming and global production. For details, we will share with you soon.

Thank you for your support.

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