MovieBloc Official Service Launch Event!

Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2019

Chance to win an Airpod! (global community, $200 worth of MBL)

MovieBloc will giveaway free airpods to users who join MovieBloc platform, watch movies and tell us your opinion (any inconvenience and improvements) about the service.

Event Period

Official Launch — Jan 30th 2020

How to Participate

[1] Visit our and join

- For beta users, all previously joined Id / pw have been reset. Please re-register for the official launch.

[2] Watch movies

[3] please tell us your opinion (any inconvenience and improvements) about the service. It would be much appreciated if you could give us feedback about the service experience including OS, browser, type of mobile phones, and etc.

Feedback Link:!forum/moviebloc-forum

* Watch more movies, rate and write comments, higher chance to win!

Giveaway Prizes

3 Airpods (For global community, $200 worth of MBL)

Announcement Date

Jan 30th 2020 through MovieBloc medium channel

Official Service | Official Website | Telegram | Kakao | Twitter

