MovieBloc Turns One Year Old

Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2020

Hello MovieBloc Community,

Today marks one year since the first listing on on May 2019. MovieBloc has made great strides in our first year, moving from white paper publication, to Mainnet launch, to Exchange Listing, Partnership with Film Production, Global Content Platform, and so on. Below we share our progress in the past year in a timeline.


MovieBloc is a blockchain-based platform service that focuses on solving the problem of monopoly in the film industry. Creators will get a transparent revenue share, audience data, and equal screening opportunity; the viewers will access diverse films and content, and get rewarded for providing curation, subtitles, and marketing materials to the community. Currently, more than 80 movies and dramas have been screened. In the long run, MovieBloc aims to create the largest film ecosystem centered on participants.

MovieBloc will continue to promote MovieBloc service by discovering quality content and collaborating with leading blockchain companies. Through efforts, we will have access to greater resources and a larger network of users across multiple geographic regions. Please support and look forward to MovieBlock in 2020.

Thank you
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