Now Available: Short-form documentaries about COVID-19 pandemic

Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2020

Hello MovieBloc Community

Along with the Independent Producers Association, MovieBloc has invested in the production of three episodes of short-form documentaries on COVID-19.
The full episodes, each of which runs about 20 minutes, were first released on MovieBloc channel on YouTube on the 28th.

Episode 1: I am a Virus

How would the COVID-19 interpret this disaster? Let’s listen to the virus’s position.

> Watch Episode 1

Episode 2: The Quiet Massacre Against Women

Due to gender discrimination in employment, the proportion of women in temporary workers is much higher. The aftereffect of pandemic is directed right at temporary workers, especially at women.

> Watch Episode 2

Episode 3: I am Alive

“I felt a sudden chill in my sleep, so I woke up and headed for the hospital.”
A 32-day diary of COVID-19 positive patient No.28 in Daejeon.
My life has changed a lot, but I’m still alive.

> Watch Episode 3

We sincerely hope that the COVID-19 situation gets better very soon.

Thank you.
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