What Happened to Clive Owen?

Ryan Northrup
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2021
Clive Owen holds a phone to his ear in Inside Man
Clive Owen as the bank robber in Inside Man (2006)

If, in 2006, you assumed that Clive Owen would be the next James Bond or the next “hot thing” in Hollywood, you’d find few people disagreeing with you. 2006 was a great year for Owen with both Inside Man and Children of Men making waves critically and commercially. Owen was poised to become the next Brad-Pitt-level A-lister, but, over the next fifteen years, would find himself horribly underutilized time and time again.

Why didn’t this powerhouse actor ever become the leading man superstar he deserved to be?

Clive Owen shoots a gun while holding a baby in Shoot ’Em Up (2007)
Shoot ’Em Up (2011) is completely bonkers and features Clive Owen in his most action-heavy role

After his stellar 2006, Owen appeared in Shoot ’Em Up in 2007, a film that, while not half-bad, failed to recoup its $39 million budget and is regarded as a box office failure.

In 2009, Owen was poised to come back in a big way with the release of The International, a mid-budget crime thriller featuring Owen as an Interpol detective who becomes embroiled in a global financial conspiracy. While the film did recoup its budget, it’s lukewarm critical reception and lackluster word-of-mouth prevented it from making a big splash (although Roger Ebert seemed to like it!)

Clive Owen shooting a gun in The International
Clive Owen was great in The International but the film as a whole didn’t quite work

Duplicity, also released in 2009, saw Clive Owen take a lighter role this time around, starring as a rival spy pitted against co-star Julia Roberts. The film performed decently well at the box office but seemed rather forgettable to both audiences and critics, garnering middling reviews and fading into movie obscurity shortly after its release.

Clive Owen and Julia Roberts looking seductively at each other in Duplicity.
Clive Owen and Julia Roberts have great chemistry in Duplicity, a romantic spy comedy

This was, in many ways, the final nail in the coffin. Following Duplicity, Owen stared in several smaller movies, The Boys Are Back in 2009 and Trust in 2010, both of which failed to make any money and weren’t widely seen by audiences.

2011’s Killer Elite largely foreshadowed what was to come in Owen’s career. Owen plays one of the antagonists in this run-of-the-mill Jason Statham vehicle but isn’t given enough space to really shine.

Clive Owen points a gun at Jason Statham in Killer Elite.
Clive Owen as the antagonist in Killer Elite (2011)

From here, Owen stars in a handful of essentially indie movies that nobody really saw and that made no money, including Intruders, Shadow Dancer, Blood Ties, and Words and Pictures.

2015’s Last Knight, a mid-budget medieval action film, seemed like it might mark a return for Owen, placing him alongside Morgan Freeman, but the film was terrible and — you guessed it — made no money.

Clive Owen in early 1900s doctor clothing as Dr. John Thackery in The Knick
Cinemax’s The Knick featured a standout performance from Owen as cocaine-addicted Dr. John Thackery

One bright spot for Owen across 2014–2015 was the TV series The Knick, a show following the lives of several doctors and nurses at the New York Knickerbocker Hospital in the early twentieth century. Directed by Steven Soderbergh for Cinemax, the series only ran for two seasons (out of a planned six) before it was cancelled, but was incredibly well put together and featured a fantastic performance from Owen as Dr. John Thackery.

Clive Owen as a supporting character in Ang Lee’s disappointing 2019 film, Gemini Man

It’s a largely disappointing story for Owen in the years that follow. He takes on mostly supporting roles in movies that, frankly, seem below him. There’s the smaller roles in big budget fare like Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets and Gemini Man, neither of which were good films, but then the also appears in a supporting role in streamer movies like The Informer and Anon, forgettable films that hit Netflix and then are never talked about again.

Clive Owen holds a radio and stands next to an FBI agent in The Informer
Owen in The Informer, one of many supporting roles he takes in the 2010s

There isn’t much on the cards for Clive Owen at the moment in terms of film, but he will be starring in Monsieur Spade, a TV series following Detective Sam Spade (from The Maltese Falcon) living in France in the 1960s. Here’s to hoping it’s good!

None of this is to say that Clive Owen isn’t talented. On the contrary, Owen is an incredible actor who I think improves just about any movie he’s in. What Owen’s career demonstrates is how easily one or two movie choices can determine the trajectory of the rest of your professional life.

Clive Owen prepares to use his scoped rifle
Owen as assassin “The Professor” in The Bourne Identity (2002).

Overall, the 2010s was a disappointing Clive Owen decade with nothing as ‘knockout’ as Children of Men or Inside Man. There’s nothing wrong with doing supporting roles — heck, he was one of the best parts of The Bourne Identity ­– but Owen has a leading-man charisma and charm that seems wasted with many of his recent films. I always thought he would be well suited for a James-Bond-esque or Jason-Bourne-esque role, but, given that’s he’s 56 now, that seems unlikely.

Owen’s career is still far from over, however, and I’m hoping that the 2020s give us a well-deserved Clive Owen renaissance!

Clive Owen leads a woman with a baby through a group of soldiers in Children of Men
Clive Owen as Theo Faron in Children of Men (2006)

What is your favourite Clive Owen film? Be sure to let me know in the comments!



Ryan Northrup
Editor for

An aspiring screenwriter and an avid watcher of movies.