The Pick-Me Girl

Is the pick-me girl a traitor to her gender or a victim of the patriarchy?

Katie Anderton


Photo by Alex Perez on Unsplash

The very idea of gender has been controlled and stifled by a patriarchal, heteronormative society and traditions. In reality, cultural notions of gender are incredibly complex and nuanced. Importantly, it is always changing, too.
That being said, gender politics are still an extremely prevalent issue in the 1st century, and either a result or symptom of that has appeared the pick-me girl. While this idea of a “pick-me” in today’s world is ridiculed, it begs the question of whether these women are also simply victims of the patriarchy or if a desire to be wanted by men is actually an offence.

What Is a Pick-Me?

In order to analyse a pick-me, it’s essential to define what one is. The pick-me-girl archetype became something of a meme on TikTok recently and is essentially a woman who seeks validation from others (most commonly men).
They adopt behaviours and opinions that make them “different” to other women to be more desirable and palatable to men, often at the expense of other women.
For example, they might portray themselves as traditional, agreeable, and low-maintenance. In short, pick-me behaviour is a conscious choice that women make to depreciate other women to make themselves look better in the…

