‘Alien’ Continues to Thrill

It’s beloved for a reason.

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us


Sigourney Weaver in Alien | Credit: 20th Century Studios
Sigourney Weaver in Alien | Credit: 20th Century Studios

When the crew on a commercial spaceship goes off course to investigate a strange transmission, things go wrong… really, really wrong.

Alien was released 45 years ago and still holds up today. Amazingly, it still looks great. Honestly, what a testament to the importance of using practical effects. While watching, you can tell that this took a lot of money to make, but it’s well worth it.

This film is a brilliant blend of horror and sci-fi from start to finish. In my mind, the two genres are very different from one another, but this is a reminder that they can be combined to great effect.

The film opens with the camera slowly exploring various facets of the ship. Right off the bat, we are aware of the ominous and isolated space that these characters are living in. The ship being empty is eerie, and the slow pace of the camera only increases the tension.

As the camera moves through the ship, you’re scanning each frame for signs of life. In a brilliant move, random objects are scattered throughout the ship that move on their own. These draw the eye but then cause a sigh of relief when you realize they don’t pose a danger. In the opening moments, we are primed to be scared alongside the crew members who are trapped on this ship.



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.