Band Aid (2017)

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2019


A humorous tale of marital strife.

Band Aid movie poster

I tend to enjoy weird, quirky movies that stray from the beaten path. I love it when filmmakers are willing to take an idea that’s been done before and turn it into something new that we haven’t experienced quite like that before. There’s so much potential for creativity in film and it’s a joy when people take advantage of that.

Band Aid, in my opinion, is one of those films.

This movie shares the journey of a couple who turns their fights into songs and starts a band together with their awkward neighbor. I’ve watched movies about marriages on the brink of divorce. I’ve seen films about people putting a band together. But I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it done like this before.

I was happily going along with the plotline, laughing at their songs and their fights and thanking my lucky stars that I’m single, when the film hit me with some drama. The reason for the couple’s distance, heartbreak, and unhealthy extremes is revealed. They recently had a miscarriage.

While I knew there would be some depth to this particular film, I didn’t expect it to dive into grief. Or, if it did dare to broach the subject of grief, I didn’t expect it to be as weighty as it was.

The woman was punishing herself for not being able to care for the child and the man seemed to be…



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.