Birdman (2014)

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us
Published in
5 min readAug 29, 2020


A frenetic look at genius, creativity, and legacy.

Birdman movie poster

It’s amazing how films can provide a powerful point of connection. A few years ago, Jen and I struck up a random conversation about our shared love of movies and stories. I’m honestly not even sure how we drifted onto the subject, but I’m so glad that we did. That chance moment of sharing what we love about film eventually grew into The Strategic Whimsy Experiment.

One of the first films we watched together was Birdman, the weird, ambitious, and immensely creative Best Picture winner from 2014. Jen had raved about this film and I had never seen it, so we rented it one night and after it was over talked about it for hours.

It’s amazing how an honest creative endeavor can spark creativity in others.

Rewatching Birdman a few years later was as much of a confusing joy as it was the first time. What I was most overwhelmed by during this viewing was how immensely difficult this type of film is to create. I was hyper-conscious that everything had to be spot on. The attention to detail from the script, to the acting, to the cinematography, and the score can be seen and felt through every single scene. While many elements of the film are completely brilliant, my favorite piece is still the frenetic drums that underscore the entire film.



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.