Cloverfield (2008)

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us
Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2020


I’m glad I don’t live in New York.

Cloverfield movie poster

Often, while watching action movies, I find myself thinking about the practical implications of what I’m seeing on the screen. During Avengers, for example, when our team of heroes assembles to save NYC (and the world), they end up defeating the Chitauri, but destroying the city in the process. I’ve always wanted to know the consequences of their actions: are they responsible for paying for the damages to the city? What about the psychological impact on the random citizens we see in the background? How would a “normal person” react in a situation as traumatizing as this in real life?

Cloverfield answers the question of what it would be like to live through a monster movie. By shooting the film through the point of view of a single camera wielded by a trusty sidekick was a brilliant move. I was so interested in everything that was happening the whole time because it was told from one terrified person’s point of view. I was seeing the world through the eyes of Hud (T.J. Miller) and I was fascinated.

This film is so immersive, if you haven’t watched it, I would encourage you to stop reading right now and go watch it. Cloverfield is quite a roller coaster ride that kept me riveted for the entire film.



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.