Project Power (2020)

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us
Published in
4 min readAug 18, 2020


A different look at superpowers.

Project Power movie poster

We are currently living in the era of superhero films which are, of course, entertaining, but they are also a dime a dozen. While some of the Marvel movies are very good, I often want more grit from them. I also have many follow up questions that I know will never be answered.

Whenever I watch a film where superpowers exist, I always wonder about the ramifications. Like in Avengers when they destroy large swaths of New York City — how will the city rebuild? What are the long-lasting effects of the heroes’ actions on the regular people in the city? And how are the heroes affected long-term after all of the fighting and saving the world? After all, everything costs something and, in my opinion, superpowers shouldn’t be any different.

Project Power shows us some of those side-effects of superpowers. Early in the film, we meet Newt who is skeptical of new pills that are being distributed in New Orleans. After he begins sampling the product he’s been peddling, we see the clear negative effects they’ve been having on him. Then, shortly after, we learn that they, like so many other drugs, can be deadly. The drugs that are flooding the streets can give immense powers, sure, but they also can lead to terrible consequences. While everyone wants to be super and experience the seeming invincibility the pills provide, not all are ready…



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.