Rewatching ‘Twister’ as an Adult

A fun and flawed experience.

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us


Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton in Twister | Credit: Warner Bros., Universal Pictures
Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton in Twister | Credit: Warner Bros., Universal Pictures

Twister follows a group of storm chasers as they seek to discover more about how tornadoes work. Oh, and there’s a bit of a love triangle situation happening at the same time.

I remember watching this movie as a child and being in awe of it. As an elementary school student who lived far away from where any tornadoes happened, I thought it would be so cool to be like our intrepid storm chasers. This movie made storm chasing cool.

With the sequel coming out later this summer, this was a perfect time to revisit this 90s movie. And it’s a bit of a mixed bag. There’s some good stuff in here and some cringy stuff. But, as a 90s kid, I had a great time reliving Twister in all of its glory.

What I really love about this film is that even though there is a love triangle plotline, it’s not the point of the story. Instead, we are with these storm chasers as they are seeking an opportunity to deploy some new technology that they developed in hopes of better understanding tornadoes.

Twister is intentional to continually remind us of the goal of their mission. Sure, there’s drama, racing vehicles, and adrenaline, but that’s all grounded by this desire to help people. Throughout the film, we see the destruction of this type of weather event and just how…



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.