The Laundromat (2019)

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2019


I almost loved it.

The Laundromat movie poster

When I opened up Netflix over the weekend and The Laundromat was the first film that popped up, I thought about just how well their algorithm had worked to display this movie to me. I saw Meryl Streep’s face and read the first line of the description and I was all in — I knew how I was going to spend my next hour and a half. When I saw Gary Oldman and Antonio Banderas pop on the screen, I grew even more excited. With such a fun and talented cast, what could go wrong?

I loved the way it was directed: the set up for the whole movie in the first few minutes was exquisite and built the world that we were stepping into. It was so strategic and so well done that I was sure I was going to thoroughly enjoy this entire film. I thought the vignettes were intentional, well-timed, and well-placed. They were a brilliant way to explain the rules of this world and told you so much about each of the larger-than-life characters.

Though Meryl was positioned as the main character, we went all around the world to see how wide-spread the corruption of the rich was. This movie was a lot of fun even though the story centered around pretty dark topics. Gary Oldman and Antonio Banderas kept things light and fun with their ridiculous outfits, their outlandish lifestyles, and their constant breaking of the fourth wall. The Laundromat is very campy and I ate it…



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.