“Swept From The Sea” by Beeban Kidron (1997)

Rene Hirsch
MdW (movies directed by women)
1 min readFeb 7, 2020

(very good) Movies directed by women

Movies of the ‘90s

Good dialogues, music and content (8)
Excellent direction (9)
Top images (10)

A movie made some 20 years before the so-called refugee crisis of today and that shows that, then as now, immigrants are only acceptable when they are… dead!
Appreciated by the public, but not so by the critics

Rotten Tomatoes Critics 5,1
Metascore —
Roger Ebert 5,0
Rotten Tomatoes Audience 7,8
IMDB 6,8
Average critics 5,1
Average public 7,3

Cast: Rachel Weisz, Vincent Perez, Ian McKellen, Kathy Bates, Joss Ackland
Directed by Beeban Kidron
Written by Tim Willocks
Music by John Barry
Cinematography by Dick Pope
Film Editing by Alex Mackie, Andrew Mondshein

