Cab Calloway

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Movies Unmade
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2014
Snip From YouTube

Who is Cab Calloway? I have seen him once or twice in the 90’s on television. I remember him singing “hi-de-hi’,” “ho-deho,” to Whoopie Goldberg. However, I never knew him, but I knew that he was someone from the old days. Calloway came from the old days of when they called the clubs juke joints. That was my great-great grandparent’s day. Those days were like in the 1930’s and 40’s.

Snip From YouTube

Now that Cab Calloway is dead, I have seen him in Janet Jackson’s Video, Alright of the 1990‘s. I thought video stations like BET showed the whole video whenever they would play it, but they didn’t. This is my first time seeing Janet Jackson’s video all the way through.

Cab Calloway was an American band leader and jazz singer. Calloway wore Zoot Suits that were high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long coat with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders. He wore a felt hat with a long feather and pointy, French-style shoes. Janet Jackson must have loved his jazzy style to have him featured in her video.

I think a movie ought to be made about the life story of Cab Calloway. It would be interesting to know what music was like in his days and what he did as a performer.

Now Get Ready For Janet Jackson starring Cab Calloway !

Photo Credit: YouTube/JanetJackson

