Grandmaster Flash is a Pioneer of Hip Hop

Movies Unmade

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Movies Unmade


Grandmaster Flash, known as Joseph Saddler, is a pioneer of hip hop. He is like the beginning. Flash is a living legend, and a cutting and mixing DJ. What makes Grandmaster Flash so special is he had his very own techniques on the turntables. DJ’s played the records, but Flash would cut and mix them. He was no regular DJ, although he did not start record scratching. Record scratching was credited to a DJ named Grand Wizzard Theodore.

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Grandmaster Flash is the only scratching DJ I have ever known. I believe he was the first DJ that I have heard scratch records in music on record. I believe that flash was the first to really make it popular and famous along with some other techniques.

I think that there should be a movie made about Grandmaster Flash and how rap really got started. Rap was fun, but now it’s all about violence. I think that the guys that started it should be honored.

Check out the video below and hear Grandmaster Flash tell his story.

