7 Reasons To Skip The Gym & Workout At Home

Jennifer Grekin
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2018

It comes with no surprise that working out helps us keep a healthier body and lifestyle. However, why is it so hard to get ourselves to go to the gym and stick to a workout routine? Some of us have intense work schedules, other have kids to take care of or some may also need to be on the go constantly.

We used to be diehard gym dwellers, but over the years we’ve figured out that working out at home could be as effective and much more convenient. Here are a few reasons to rethink joining a gym and workout art home instead:


You Can Wear Whatever You Want!

No one is there to judge you on your workout attire; which means that you can save yourself from wearing those tight gears…!

Pyjamas, Glasses, Sweatpants, YOU name it!

You don’t have to worry about clashing patterns and mismatch socks…!

You Can Epically Fail At Things And Not Feel Embarrassed About it!

I mean, how shy can someone be at the gym? We hate it when people give you the evil eye look when you can’t land the perfect routine. You get the be your own judge in the comfort of your own home!


Save Time & Money!

Joining a gym can be extremely expensive, and although the motivation is here some of us tend to become lazy and not show up.

One of the main benefits of working at home is that you choose when and what class you’re willing to pay. More importantly you can work on your watch and not feel guilty for paying humongous amount of gym fees and not showing up.

You cut out wasted time commuting back and forth!

Adam Kemp Fitness

You Don’t Have To Wear Annoying Headphones!

How annoying can headphones be, seriously? They always find a way to fall or slip out when you’re getting in the zone.

Speakers on, music blaring: this must be what freedom feels like!

Homemade Health and Beauty Tips

Your Own Personal Shower Is Ready & Waiting With — NO LINE!

We’ve all been disgusted by the smells and sweaty people in the locker-rooms, right?

What better feeling than knowing that your own shower is waiting for you and is just a few meters away? Game changer..!


Your Pets Can Join!

There are so many people that have to leave their pets aside when they go to the gym. Additionally, not many gyms accepts them. Working out at home allows you to keep your pets closer!

You Can Have A Private Moment!

Either you’re going through a difficult time in life, or need to zone out from work, working out can tend to stir up hormones and emotions at the same time. Being in your own bubble can enhance personal and emotional sensations. The waves of emotions are more easily attainable in a private room such as your home.

There they are, 7 valuable reasons to let go of that expensive gym membership and bring your workout routines at home!

The Socialive Team

