7 Simple Diet and Fitness Tips

Jennifer Grekin
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2018

We all want to feel good and look good! However, it could be hard to keep a healthy diet and fitness routine. To make your life a bit easier, we’ve gather a number of diet and fitness tips that could help you achieve your goals even quicker!

YEG Fitness

Stay Hydrated!

Wether you’re going for a bootcamp class, a spin class, a yoga class or any other exercise, it’s crucial that you keep yourself hydrated at all times. Why? Staying hydrated allows your body to stay energised and to maximise your workout. Some will say that electrolyte-loaded athletic drinks such as Gatorade can be considered as unnecessary calories. However, they won’t do you any harm especially if you’re working out more than one hour.


Find A Great Fitness Partner!

It’s been proven a million times that having someone that motivates you to workout helps you get to the gym. Therefore, find someone that can inspire you and not discourage you.


Eat Clean!

Some ingredients make it a lot easier to meet your weight-loss goals:

  • Balsamic vinegar: gives the perfect amount of flavour for your salads and is extremely low in calories
  • In-shell nuts: are full of fiber and protein; which will keep your body satisfied
  • Fat free plain yogurt: is a comforting source of protein

Muscle Repair!

When done correctly, working out can make you feel extremely sore. Stretching out after a class isn’t enough. A great addition to stretching is to take a cold bath (50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit)


Buy The Right Pair Of Shoes!

Especially if you’re a runner…! Make sure that your soles are solid and adapted to running. Otherwise, you could easily hurt your back.


Police Your Portions!

Think about cutting your regular protein servings in half. Fill the rest of your plate with veggies!

NBC News

Have A Cheat Day!

Having a cheat day every once in a while is very important! Having a recurrent cheat day is healthy for you and your body. A cheat meal doesn’t always result insignificant weight gain. It’s about what you do the day before and the day after. Starvation is not the answer!

Hopefully this will give you a little bit more confidence about the fact that keeping a good diet and fitness routine isn’t that hard to achieve..!

Remember, starvation is NOT the answer, you can stay fit and still allow yourself some cheat days!

The Socialive Team

