Last Minute Moving Tips to Relocate With Less Time in Hand

Pradeep Chaudhary
Moving and Storage
Published in
5 min readNov 5, 2019

Time is an important factor when it comes to moving and relocating a home. The more the time, you have in hand, the better for you. Obviously, you will not have to hurry and that will help you work with a calm mind and avoid common moving mistakes people make when relocating.

But, circumstances are not favorable all the time, and therefore, you may not get enough time to plan and prepare for the upcoming move. Naturally, when you are running out of time and you are yet to plan your move, then it can easily be a little overwhelming for you to handle it all.

So, how do you plan to move when you are running out of time, and you are approaching the deadline to relocate? Well, if there is an urgent upcoming move and you are already behind schedule, and wondering how to plan and execute your move in less time then I have got you covered. Today I am sharing a few of the best last minute moving tips, that’ll help you to relocate with less time hand.

Best last minute moving tips for relocating in less time

Moving and relocating includes a lot of tasks, because everything is not in your hands, you need external support. You got to get the quotations from different moving companies, check and ensure that they are capable and then choose a mover. Apart from that, you have to prepare the list of inventory, make required bookings, find home and there are so many other tasks.

But, if you are a little alert, you can manage it all easily. And here are the best last minute moving tips for relocating in less time. Try these hacks and you should be able to relocate without hassles.

Quickly make a list

I usually recommend people to make a list of all the major and even smaller household items that will be relocated. There are two benefits of making this list; first, you can share the list with the moving company to get quotations. And secondly, because you are already behind schedule, and so having a quick checklist of items to be packed and moved will help you avoid forgetting any of the items.

And, with less time in hand, it becomes all the more important. In fact, you can use this list in different ways to increase your efficiency in packing and handing. When you have a list in hand, you will be able to sort things fast and even choose what is to be packed and first and what to be packed at the end.

And, yes, while sorting item, make sure you take only the items that are absolutely necessary for you or are in good condition or are close to your heart. Avoid taking items that you do not use regularly or are in bad shape. Remember the more items, you are taking, the more time and money will be spent in packing and moving. So, choose and include items wisely and smartly.

Hire a good packer and mover

With less time in hand, the first and most important task at hand is to hire an efficient packer and mover company who can help you with packing and moving. Ideally, when hiring packer and mover, you should take quotations from multiple moving companies.

So quickly reach out to a couple of local packer and mover companies near you. Talk to them, check their availability, and of they are available, take quotations.

Of course, as you are doing the bookings at the last minute, charges may be slightly higher. But since you are comparing quotations from multiple companies, you should be able to negotiate and finalize a mover who is competent with service and pricing.

Once you have a moving service provider on board, you’ll be in a much better situation, as the moving company can handle the entire packing, loading, transporting etc quickly and efficiently.

And just a note of caution, make sure to check everything with the mover before hiring. Especially, look for the insurance, registration, authenticity etc. This is important to ensure you don’t fall in the hands of fraud moving companies.

Take help from family

If you have taken up the responsibility to do the packing on your own, it is very important that you do not hesitate to ask for help. You need others and so you will have to speak up and request your family members and may be friends for help. Packing every room alone may be too much of work, so even if the movers are going to pack the major items, you can ask every family member to collaborate and pack their own stuff. If at least they can bring the items they want to carry with themselves, it will help you speed up the entire process and lessen your work load.

Do take some rest

I know you are in a lot of hurry as so many things need to be taken care of. But rest is also important otherwise you may fall sick and tired on the final day of moving, which may result in more trouble. If you are not getting proper 7–8 hours of sleep, try to at least take shorter naps in between work.

Start early

On the day of your journey, make it a point to leave early. See, you never know what happens on road, so starting the journey in the early morning is always recommended. It is not too safe to travel during the night in an unknown place, so staring early will help you.

And, yes, check the weather forecasts properly, and if you find any sort of climate warnings, it is necessary that you take the safest route. Talk about all of these with your mover before getting started.

Over to you

Relocating in a short time can be stressful, especially when you have no one else to help and speed up the process. There are a lot of things that needs to be considered. But when you are running out of time, all that you can do is to plan everything smartly.

I have already discussed few of the quick and simple last minute moving tips that can help you to plan your move and relocate even on a shorter notice.

Have you planned carefully for your upcoming move? If not, how do you plan to make it right at the last moment?



Pradeep Chaudhary
Moving and Storage

Building — a curated platform to hire #MoversPackers #InteriorDesigners #Cleaner etc in India. A morning person. Love poetry.