Artist Spotlight

Eric Cahan

Moving Art
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2015


For Eric Cahan, the color of light at sunrise and sunset is more than just science, more than nature — it’s a powerful particularity that stirs us. His mesmerizing color and light conjure the sensation of looking into the sky or the ocean, transporting viewers to feelings and memories rooted in the shifting hues themselves.

Mood: Sunrise Horizon, created exclusively for Depict Frame, allures the viewer to move from the physical world into an introspective space with its gentle traces of color that steadily shift in hue and intensity. It not only continues Cahan’s study in color theory and the nature of light, but also of photography and the ability of a moving image to reveal the nature of transition and the way it colors us.

“With my series I was just really interested in capturing light. How does light affect us, how do we color light, how do we see light, how can I capture it?”

“Now I’m filming instead of taking stills, I have to think of it not as a moment, but as a series of moments and an extended period of time.”

Still from Eric Cahan’s Mood: Sunrise Horizon. Preview and collect the full artwork on Depict.

“For me, the images are reflections on where I was at a certain time. Everyone has that sense of remembering where they were at a sunrise and sunset. I’m trying to transport viewers back to feelings they’ve had in a particular moment, just as I try to capture the light of a particular moment.”

Still from Eric Cahan’s Mood: Sunrise Horizon. Preview and collect the full artwork on Depict.

“For me, a video gives the work ability to change in a subtle way so that it’s constantly changing.

Art will be seen digitally and it will be changed.”

Learn more & collect Eric Cahan’s Mood: Sunrise Horizon on Depict Frame at

Frame Series presents exclusive behind-the-scenes studio visits with Depict artists Chris Doyle, Eric Cahan, Nicole Cohen, and Universal Everything.

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Moving Art

The maker of Frame, a dedicated display for full-fidelity, 4K digital and moving art