Self-Doubt: Why the Narcissist Feels Entitled to Destroy your Confidence

L. N.
Moving Forward with Hope
4 min readMar 18, 2022


Until we say ENOUGH

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich from Pexels

If you have been in a relationship with a narcissist or an emotional abuser, albeit family member or spouse, you may not realize, but after a while, your confidence has dwindled.

You second guess yourself, then bit by bit, self-doubt takes a grip.

It starts slow, it can be from a tone of voice, it can be from lack of validation, or even a direct accusation that you should not pursue whatever in your heart and mind to accomplish.

According to an article, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by grandiosity, lack of empathy, entitlement, and use of tactics that demoralizes others to name a few.

Narcissists are energy vampires and will do all they can, so you doubt and turn on yourself.


Self-doubt, according to Merriam-Webster is a lack in oneself, a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about one’s abilities, actions, etc.

It can show its ugly head by backing down, not feeling the fire that once was burning deep inside, and we give up on things once held so close to our heart.



L. N.
Moving Forward with Hope

Podcast Host & Author for narcissistic abuse survivors, author of Master Manipulators, Avid Traveler. Learn More: