10 Yoga Poses That Enhance Meditation Serenity

Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness
5 min readJul 21, 2024


Photo by Benjamin Child on Unsplash

Finding moments of peace and serenity can be challenging, but yoga offers an effective means of cultivating inner calm and quieting the mind. By combining yoga poses with meditation techniques, you can deepen your practice further while expanding on feelings of well-being and serenity.

This article will introduce 10 yoga poses designed to increase meditation serenity. These postures aim to relax both body and mind so you can fully focus on meditation practice. No matter if you’re new to yogis or experienced ones alike; adding these postures into your routine can bring greater peace and serenity into daily life.

Grab your yoga mat, find a tranquil space, and let’s discover the world of yoga poses that foster meditation serenity!

Yoga is an age-old tradition and holistic approach to overall well-being, stimulating spiritual, physical, and mental growth. Combining your yoga practice with mindful meditation makes reaching a state of serenity, tranquility, and peace much simpler. Here are 10 poses which support this practice and guide your journey toward inner peace.

  1. Balasana or Child’s Pose is a relaxing pose designed to bring inner peace while relieving tension from your back. Kneel on your mat with knees wider than hips spread apart; extend arms out in front, lower your torso between the knees, laying forehead on floor. This pose offers an oasis of peace for meditation and profound breathing practices.
Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

2. Sukhasana or Easy Pose promotes serenity and peace through deep breathing exercises and sitting up straight, with hands resting gently on knees. Simply cross your legs and place hands on knees; ensure that back remains straight; close eyes, center breath – this posture serves as the ideal foundation for meditation practice.

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

3. Padmasana or Lotus Position is one of the ultimate meditation poses, designed to uphold and deepen meditative processes through breathwork and spinal alignment. Begin by sitting up straight with legs spread wide. Place one foot onto each thigh; pull your right foot up onto your left thigh before pulling the other onto your right thigh; rest hands palm-up on knees as your hands.

Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash

4. Virasana (Hero Pose) is a powerful meditative pose designed to cultivate self-awareness and inner peace. When sitting erect on your heels with back straight, this pose creates a feeling of clarity and focus that contributes to meditation practice; furthermore it promotes effective digestion as well as relief for leg swelling or numbness.

5. Vajrasana or Diamond Pose involves kneeling on your mat and sitting back onto your heels with hands placed on knees – perfect for after meal meditation to aid digestion! Holding this posture promotes peace and tranquility within.

6. Shavasana or Corpse Pose is another pose designed to bring about tranquillity. This pose involves lying flat on one’s back with legs bent like those of a corpse, and letting every part of one’s body sink into the floor beneath you. This pose makes an ideal way to end a yoga session and prepares one for deeper states of meditation.

Photo by Anton Shuvalov on Unsplash

7. Savasana with Bolster is an assisted version of corpse pose, performed with a bolster positioned beneath your knees for enhanced relaxation. This pose will relieve all physical and mental strain while replenishing mind, body, and soul for total serenity.

8. Baddha Konasana or Bound Angle Pose is an effective grounding pose. To perform it, bring the soles of both feet together with knees slightly open at sides allowing them to fall freely open towards sides. According to research conducted on this pose it can help build deeper connections within yourself, induce feelings of calmness, and make meditation practice more fruitful.

9. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Spinal Twist Pose is another yoga pose which revitalizes both your body and spiritual journey. By twisting your spine in an unconventional manner, this pose addresses backache, stiffness and other symptoms while giving your mind some peace and serenity.

10. Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Pose involves sitting comfortably with legs extended. As you inhale and exhale, bend forward from your hip joints until your toes touch the ground with hands grabbing feet if possible. This pose helps increase focus and concentration while simultaneously relieving anxiety allowing it to be easier for entering into meditation state.

Yoga poses are designed to prepare both physically and psychologically for meditation, intensifying your meditative experience. With regular practice and patience, these poses provide tools that enable self-exploration and serenity. When beginning or increasing your practice it is wise to consult a professional or yoga instructor first in order to prevent injuries from happening during practice or transitioning your practice from one phase to the next. Yoga practice nurtures souls by relieving stress, increasing flexibility, providing holistic well-being benefits that lead to more peaceful living conditions.

Integrating yoga poses into your meditation practice can provide a greater sense of serenity and calm. The 10 yoga poses featured here are all fantastic choices for relaxing muscles, increasing focus and mindfulness during meditation sessions.

From Mountain pose to Camel pose, each yoga pose offers its own set of unique benefits for body and mind. By combining physical yoga poses with meditation techniques, you can create a powerful practice that helps deepen relationships within yourself as well as with those outside yourself.

Remember to listen to your body and practice each pose mindfully and with intention. Over time, as you cultivate a regular yoga and meditation practice, you may find your ability to remain present, calm, and focused improves both on and off of the mat.

Once you settle into your meditation practice, try adding one or more yoga poses to heighten the sense of serenity and expand the experience – your mind, body, and spirit will thank you!



Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness

I’m the author of Radiant Bliss: A Transformative Yoga Journey for the Modern Soul. Say hi via email sueyogini (at) me.com