Embracing Your Inner Light

Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness
5 min readJun 30, 2024


10 Powerful Self-Love Mantras to Transform Your Life

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

When I was a little girl, full of worry and self-doubt in a world I was struggling to navigate, my grandmother taught me a mantra that made all the difference:

> ‘Day by day, in every way, I am getting better and better.’

Those words became my anchor in turbulent times, a whispered promise to myself when the world felt overwhelming. As I grew older, I realized the profound wisdom in this mantra, originally popularized by French psychologist Émile Coué in the early 20th century. It tapped into the power of positive self-talk and incremental growth.

Little did I know then that this childhood lesson would become the foundation of my journey into yoga, meditation, and self-love practices. It sparked a lifelong fascination with the power of words to shape our reality and self-perception.

During my decades-long journey into yoga, I’ve witnessed countless individuals transform their lives through the power of mantras. These simple phrases, repeated with intention and belief, can rewire our thought patterns and nurture a more compassionate relationship with ourselves.

In this article, I want to share ten powerful self-love mantras that have not only changed my life but have also resonated deeply with my students and clients. Each of these mantras builds upon that early lesson from my grandmother, offering specific affirmations to cultivate self-love, acceptance, and growth.

Radical Acceptance

In a world that often thrives on criticism, cultivating self-love can feel like a radical act. But the key to silencing those external voices and embracing our own unique worth lies in the simplicity of a few intentional words.

Through my own journey of rising above negativity, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of mantras – those short, affirming phrases that, when repeated with purpose, can reshape our inner dialogue and nurture a deeper sense of self-compassion.

Join me as I share ten life-changing self-love mantras that have not only empowered me but have also resonated deeply with countless others seeking to reclaim their inner strength and find solace amidst the noise.

1. “I am worthy of love and respect, exactly as I am.”

This mantra acknowledges your intrinsic value, independent of external achievements or others’ opinions. It’s a powerful reminder that your worth is a fundamental truth of your existence.

2. “I choose to be kind to myself today.”

Sometimes, self-love is a choice we must consciously make. This mantra sets an intention for self-compassion, especially on challenging days.

3. “My imperfections are part of my unique beauty.”

In a world that often celebrates perfection, this mantra embraces the beauty of our flaws and quirks. It’s a celebration of authenticity over conformity.

4. “I am grateful for my body and all it does for me.”

Our bodies are incredible, yet we often focus on perceived flaws. This mantra shifts our perspective to gratitude, appreciating our body’s strength and resilience.

5. “I release the need for others’ approval.”

True self-love comes from within, not from external validation. This mantra empowers you to define your own worth.

6. “I am becoming the best version of myself.”

This mantra acknowledges that self-love is a journey, not a destination. It celebrates growth while accepting where you are right now.

7. “I trust in my own wisdom and intuition.”

Self-love includes trusting yourself. This mantra reinforces faith in your inner guidance.

8. “I forgive myself for past mistakes and choose to learn from them.”

Self-love requires self-forgiveness. This mantra helps release guilt and reframe past experiences as opportunities for growth.

9. “I deserve peace, joy, and fulfillment.”

Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that we’re worthy of happiness. This mantra affirms your right to a joyful, peaceful life.

10. “I am enough.”

Perhaps the most powerful self-love mantra of all, these three simple words counter the often pervasive feeling of “not-enoughness” that plagues so many of us.

How to Use These Mantras

1. Morning Ritual: Start your day by repeating your chosen mantra in front of a mirror.

2. Meditation Focus: Use a mantra as a focal point during meditation.

3. Stress Relief: In moments of stress or self-doubt, take a deep breath and repeat your mantra.

4. Journaling Prompt: Write your mantra at the top of your journal page and reflect on its meaning in your life.

5. Bedtime Practice: End your day by repeating your mantra, setting a positive tone for rest and renewal.

Remember, the power of these mantras lies not just in the words themselves, but in the energy and intention you put behind them. As you incorporate these mantras into your daily life, pay attention to how they make you feel. Over time, you may notice a shift in your self-perception and overall well-being.

In my own life, these mantras have been a guiding light, helping me navigate through self-doubt, perfectionism, and the inevitable challenges of life. They’ve reminded me of my inherent worth and have helped me cultivate a more loving, accepting relationship with myself.

As you embark on your own self-love journey, be patient and gentle with yourself. Self-love is a practice, and like any practice, it takes time and consistency to see results. But I promise you, the journey is worth it. As you learn to love and accept yourself more fully, you’ll find that this love radiates outward, positively impacting every aspect of your life.

Never lose sight of the notion that,you are worthy of love – especially your own. Embrace these mantras, and let them guide you towards a more radiant, self-loving you.

Author Bio:

Sue Bushell is the author of the upcoming book “Radiant Bliss: A Transformative Yoga Journey for the Modern Soul.” (to be published by Collective Ink-Mantra Books early next year.) With years of experience in mindfulness and self-development practices, Sue is passionate about helping others discover their inner light and cultivate self-love. For more insights on yoga, meditation, and holistic well-being, check out Sue’s free ebook bundle at http://radiantbliss.yoga.

The bundle includes:

  • Bliss Meditations
  • Radiant Breath Toolkit
  • Radiant Mind Workbook
  • Radiant Chakras Guide



Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness

I’m the author of Radiant Bliss: A Transformative Yoga Journey for the Modern Soul. Say hi via email sueyogini (at) me.com