Meditation Mastery: 10 Steps to Reclaim & Supercharge Your Practice

Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness
4 min readMay 30, 2024

Life can throw us curveballs, and sometimes our meditation practice is the first thing to suffer. After battling cancer and enduring the grueling side effects of chemotherapy, I found myself in intensive care, severely malnourished, and unable to meditate. Years of dedicated practice seemed to have vanished.

But here’s the thing: meditation is like a muscle. If you don’t use it, you lose it.

The good news? You can rebuild that muscle — even stronger than before. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned meditator looking to reignite your practice, this guide offers practical steps to supercharge your meditation skills.

1. Small Steps, Big Results

Just as you wouldn’t start a new workout routine by deadlifting 200 pounds, don’t expect to meditate for an hour on day one. Begin with just 5 minutes and gradually increase your duration. Small, consistent efforts lead to lasting change.

  • Tip: Set a timer so you don’t have to worry about checking the clock. Even a few minutes of meditation can have a noticeable impact on your day.

2. The Power of Routine

Meditation thrives on consistency. Choose a specific time and place to meditate each day. This creates a mental habit, making it easier to slip into a meditative state as soon as you settle in.

  • Tip: Try meditating first thing in the morning or right before bed to bookend your day with calmness and focus.

3. Comfort is Key

You won’t be able to focus if you’re uncomfortable. Find a quiet space and a posture that works for you. Sit on a chair, cushion, or the floor — whatever allows you to sit with ease and a straight spine.

  • Tip: Experiment with different cushions or chairs to find what supports your posture best. You can even try using a meditation bench or kneeling cushion.

4. Anchor Your Attention to Your Breath

Your breath is your anchor. Notice the sensation of each inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders (and it will), gently bring it back to the rhythm of your breath.

  • Tip: Count your breaths if you find your mind racing. Inhale for a count of four, hold for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and hold for a count of four. Repeat.

5. Befriend Your Wandering Mind

A wandering mind isn’t the enemy; it’s part of the process. Instead of judging your thoughts, simply acknowledge them and let them go. Then, return to your breath.

  • Tip: Imagine your thoughts as leaves floating down a stream. Observe them without getting caught up in them.

6. Guided Meditations: Your Training Wheels

If focusing is a challenge, guided meditations are excellent tools. There are countless apps and websites offering guided sessions for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.

  • Tip: Explore different types of guided meditations to find what resonates with you. Some focus on relaxation, others on specific emotions or themes.

7. Journal Your Journey

After each meditation, jot down a few notes about your experience. How easily could you focus? What emotions arose? Tracking your progress can be incredibly motivating.

  • Tip: Don’t just write about the meditation itself; reflect on how it impacted your mood, energy levels, or interactions with others.

8. Community Connection

Sharing your experiences with others can be incredibly enriching. Join a meditation group, online forum, or local class to connect with like-minded individuals.

  • Tip: Look for groups that align with your interests and level of experience. Some groups are more social, while others focus solely on practice.

9. Patience & Persistence

Building your meditation muscle takes time and dedication. Some days will be easier than others. Be kind to yourself, and don’t give up.

  • Tip: Celebrate your small wins. Every minute you spend meditating is a step in the right direction.

10. Mindfulness Beyond the Cushion

Meditation isn’t confined to a cushion. Bring mindful awareness to everyday activities like eating, walking, or even washing dishes. Notice the sensations, the sounds, the smells — fully immerse yourself in the present moment.

  • Tip: Set reminders throughout the day to check in with yourself and your senses. Take a few mindful breaths before responding to a stressful email or diving into a task.

By following these 10 steps, you’ll not only rebuild your meditation muscle but also cultivate a deeper sense of mindfulness, resilience, and inner peace. Embrace the journey, be patient with yourself, and watch as your practice flourishes and transforms your life.



Sue Bushell
Moving into Stillness

I’m the author of Radiant Bliss: A Transformative Yoga Journey for the Modern Soul. Say hi via email sueyogini (at)